More Time, Less Stress - The Most Effective Study Techniques for University!



  • 4:15 p.m.
  • 6:00 p.m.
PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor, How to find us, Accessibility information

Are you satisfied and successful with your current study habits? Or do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the amount you need to learn? Or frustrated because you’ve invested a lot of time but haven’t gotten the grades you wanted?

In this workshop, you’ll learn from dedicated medicine students about the study techniques they use and why these methods make their studying successful.

  • What is the most effective study technique according to current research?
  • Why do about 80% of students use a study technique that’s proven to be inefficient?
  • How do professional athletes train based on the latest findings, and how can this improve your study habits for exams?

The workshop includes a mix of input and interactive exercises to try out some of these techniques.

The students are convinced: If you pick up even one technique from this session, the time you’ll save on future studying will far outweigh the hour you spent here!

Contact and information: If you have any questions, just contact our team for our program of seminars and workshops. On the PIASTA website, you will find lots of additional information about us and our program.

We look forward to your participation!

Your PIASTA Team

Course number
Led by
Medizinstudierende der Universität Hamburg
Target group
Students, Doctoral Students, UHH graduates
Max number of participants
Booking period
You can book this event until 6:00 p.m. on 31 May 2024.

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