UHH JOIN Series of events Events HostPIASTATransferagenturAbt. InternationalesStabsstelle Gleichstellung Alle HostPIASTATransferagenturAbt. InternationalesStabsstelle GleichstellungCategoryTalk/LectureSeminar/workshopInformation eventTutorialOnline workshopCounseling / coaching / group counselingFor students from studentsLanguage-learning opportunitiesCultural eventsNetworkingLeisure activitiesCampus tours / city toursTarget GroupStudentsProspective StudentsDoctoral StudentsOpen Study ProgramUHH graduatesTopicSelf-organizationAcademic OrientationCareer / professional preparationDiversityLocationMain Building (Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1)Campus BundesstraßeCampus Von-Melle-ParkMittelwegRentzelstraße Alle Reihen TransferagenturStart-ups04.04. – 24.09.2024PIASTAPIASTA Welcome Buddy Program WiSe 2024/2502.09.2024 – 15.01.2025PIASTALegal Advise for International Students WiSe 2024/2509.09.2024 – 27.01.2025Abt. InternationalesGroup Consultation Hamburglobal Funding Program24.09.2024PIASTAPIASTA Welcome Week WiSe 2024/2530.09. – 04.10.2024TransferagenturStart-ups08.10.2024 – 20.03.2025Abt. InternationalesHamburglobal Funding Program: Group consultation16.10.2024TransferagenturDeveloping skills17.10.2024 – 04.02.2025PIASTACultural Events and Leisure Activities WiSe 2024/2518.10.2024 – 25.01.2025TransferagenturCareer22.10.2024 – 30.01.2025Abt. InternationalesCentral Student Exchange Program: Group consultation23.10. – 08.11.2024Abt. InternationalesInformation event on studying abroad25.10.2024 – 24.01.2025PIASTALanguage Cafés WiSe 2024/2528.10.2024 – 23.01.2025PIASTAInternational Nights WiSe 2024/2530.10.2024 – 22.01.2025PIASTATime to Write: Workshops, Write-Ins and Writing Consultations WiSe 2024/2507.11. – 12.12.2024PIASTASeminars and Workshops WiSe 2024/2516.11. – 06.12.2024 Veranstaltungen 04.04.08:3010:30TransferagenturGründerinnen-Frühstück 04.04.2024TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 16.04.09:0011:00TransferagenturStartup2Go 16.04.2024Alsterufer 21, Treffpunkt vor dem Hamburger und Germania Ruderclub 18.04.11:0012:00Abt. InternationalesInformation event on studying abroadZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 24.04.10:0017:00TransferagenturResilienz – zuversichtlich und gelassen auf dem Karriereweg für FrauenTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 24.04.14:0015:00Abt. InternationalesCentral Student Exchange Program: Group consultation for the May 2024 application periodZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 30.04.09:0013:00TransferagenturPotenzialanalyse – was kann ich eigentlich?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum FEDDICH: Was nun? Strategien für deinen Wechsel von Uni zu JobHochschulsport/Bewegungswissenschaften, Mollerstraße 10, 013 07.05.10:0015:00TransferagenturAssessment Center Simulation mit Exkursion e.on Grid SolutionsNormannenweg 9, 20537 Hamburg (Bürogebäude 7NINE), Treffpunkt: Foyer 08.05.11:0013:00TransferagenturFinden statt suchen – Tipps für die gezielte StellensucheTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 08.05.14:0016:00TransferagenturArbeitsverträge – worauf sollte ich achten?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 15.05.11:0012:00Abt. InternationalesInformation event on studying abroadZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 16.05.08:3010:30TransferagenturGründerinnen-Frühstück 16.05.2024TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 17.05.10:0011:00Abt. InternationalesCentral Student Exchange Program: Group consultation for the May 2024 application periodZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 28.05.15:0017:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox – Customer Development (Online)Zoom-Meetingroom, Link wird i.d.R. am Nachmittag vor dem Veranstaltungstermin gemailt 29.05.09:0017:00TransferagenturStimm- und Sprechtraining für FrauenTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 30.05.09:0012:30TransferagenturBewerbungsunterlagen – Entscheidungen treffen für die persönliche BewerbungTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 31.05.14:0019:00TransferagenturPitching Impact: Social Entrepreneurship pilot projectJupiter, Mönckebergstraße 2-4, 20095 Hamburg, 5th floor 04.06.10:0012:00TransferagenturArbeitszeugnisse – wo liegen die Stolperfallen?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 10.06.10:0014:00TransferagenturProjektmanagement & MethodenTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum GleichstellungDiversity Days 2024MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 11.06.16:0020:00TransferagenturMeet & Match – Co-Founder MatchingDigital Hub Logistics, Am Sandtorkai 32, 20457 Hamburg, 1. OG rechts 12.06.09:0013:00TransferagenturVorstellungsgespräche – wie kann ich überzeugen?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 13.06.14:0016:00TransferagenturHow to apply for jobs in GermanyTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, First floor 18.06.09:0011:00TransferagenturStartup2Go 18.06.2024Alsterufer 21, Treffpunkt vor dem Hamburger und Germania Ruderclub 18.06.14:0015:00Abt. InternationalesInformation event on studying abroadZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 18.06.15:0017:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox – Business Modell InnovationTUHH, Harburger Schloßstr. 6 - 12, 20179 Hamburg, 2. OG, Design Lab 26.06.09:0011:30TransferagenturGehaltsverhandlungen – wie viel ist meine Arbeit wert?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 27.06.08:3010:30TransferagenturGründerinnen-Frühstück 27.06.2024TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 27.06.13:3016:00TransferagenturFemale Leadership – Fachliche, disziplinarische Führung oder wie?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 02.07.09:0015:00TransferagenturFemale EmpowermentTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 02.07.15:0017:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox – StressbewältigungHAW Hamburg, Gründungsservice, Jungestraße 10, 20535 Hamburg 04.07.09:0016:00TransferagenturFinanzen und Frauen – Wege zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit (Online)Zoom-Meetingroom, Link wird i.d.R. am Nachmittag vor dem Veranstaltungstermin gemailt 10.07.09:0015:00TransferagenturErfolgspfade für FrauenTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 18.07.16:0019:00Stabsstelle GleichstellungSafer Spaces – Empowerment-Workshop für migrantische und BIPOC-StudierendeMittelweg 177, 20148 Hamburg, Raum N008, Erdgeschoss 24.07.15:0016:00TransferagenturInformationsveranstaltung zum Mentoring&programm (online)Online via Zoom 20.08.15:0017:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox – Market & CompetitionDigital 02.09.18:0020:00PIASTAPreparatory meetings for welcome buddies (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 03.09.08:3010:30TransferagenturGründerinnen-Frühstück 03.09.2024TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 09.09.18:0019:30PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 11.09.09:0011:00TransferagenturStartup2Go 11.09.2024Alsterufer 21, Treffpunkt vor dem Hamburger und Germania Ruderclub 17.09.18:0020:00PIASTAPreparatory meetings for welcome buddies (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 23.09.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (In Person at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 24.09.12:0013:00Abt. InternationalesHamburglobal Funding Program: Group consultation for the October 2024 application periodZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 24.09.15:0018:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox: Perfect Pitch – pitch perfect (online)via ZOOM 25.09.16:0018:00PIASTAPreparatory meetings for welcome buddies (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 27.09.14:0016:00PIASTAFor international Incomings registered with the PIASTA Welcome Buddy Program: Welcome to Universität Hamburg! Time for open questions (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 30.09.10:3012:00PIASTAOpening EventWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 30.09.13:0014:00PIASTANew in Germany? Important information for international studentsWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 30.09.14:0015:30PIASTACentral Campus TourUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 30.09.14:0015:30PIASTACentral Campus TourUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 30.09.15:0016:00PIASTAMeet & Eat: Coffee breakUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 30.09.15:0017:00PIASTACampus Tour – OnlineWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 30.09.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SpeicherstadtU-Bahn train station Meßberg (U1), exit Wandrahmsteg 30.09.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: St. PauliSt. Pauli train station (U-Bahn), exit Heiligengeistfeld 30.09.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: AltonaAltona station, exit Neue Große Bergstraße (at the top of the stairs, in front of Rossmann) 30.09.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: KaroviertelTrain station Feldstraße (U-Bahn), exit Feldstraße, in front of the entrance 30.09.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SternschanzeSternschanze train station (U-Bahn), on the square outside in front of the subway exit 30.09.18:0020:00PIASTAGet to Know Each Other!Universität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Ost, Room 221 (ESA East) 01.10.10:0011:00PIASTAMeet & Eat: BreakfastUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 01.10.10:0011:00PIASTATo-Dos for New StudentsWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 01.10.10:0011:00PIASTAWorking alongside My Studies – What Do I Need to Know?We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 01.10.10:0011:30PIASTACampus tour: Studying as a parentFamilienbüro der Universität Hamburg, Mittelweg 177, in front of the building 01.10.11:3012:30PIASTATo-Dos for New StudentsWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 01.10.11:3012:30PIASTAWorking alongside My Studies – What Do I Need to Know?We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 01.10.12:3013:30PIASTAMeet & EatUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 01.10.12:3014:00PIASTACentral Campus TourUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 01.10.12:3014:30PIASTACampus Tour: Main Campus Plus Math, Geosciences, and ChemistryUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 01.10.13:0016:00PIASTAHarbor and Elbe tourLandungsbrücken train station, on the pedestrian bridge directly in front of the main entrance of the station 01.10.14:0016:00PIASTACampus tour: Religious Diversity on CampusMeeting point: Sauerberghof, Grindelallee 43 (enter the courtyard through the driveway) 01.10.14:0016:00PIASTACampus Tour: Main Campus Plus Math, Geosciences, and ChemistryUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 01.10.14:3015:30PIASTAIT Services and University Wi-Fi – Information Session Offered by the Regional Computing Center (RRZ)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 01.10.14:3015:30PIASTAGerman Courses for International StudentsWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 01.10.15:0016:00PIASTAMeet & Eat: Coffee breakUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 01.10.16:0017:00PIASTAIT Services and University Wi-Fi – Information Session Offered by the Regional Computing Center (RRZ)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 01.10.16:0017:00PIASTAWho, Where, What – A Short Guide to the UniversityWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 01.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SternschanzeSternschanze train station (U-Bahn), on the square outside in front of the subway exit 01.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: KaroviertelTrain station Feldstraße (U-Bahn), exit Feldstraße, in front of the entrance 01.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: St. PauliSt. Pauli train station (U-Bahn), exit Heiligengeistfeld 01.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: AltonaAltona station, exit Neue Große Bergstraße (at the top of the stairs, in front of Rossmann) 01.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SpeicherstadtU-Bahn train station Meßberg (U1), exit Wandrahmsteg 02.10.10:0011:00PIASTAUniversity Libraries and Online ResearchWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.10:0011:00PIASTAStudying with Disabilities or Chronic IllnessesWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.10:0011:00PIASTAHow Does Studying Work?We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.10:0011:00PIASTAMeet & Eat: BreakfastUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 02.10.11:3012:30PIASTAHow Does Studying Work?We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.11:3012:30PIASTAUniversity Libraries and Online ResearchWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.12:3013:30PIASTAMeet & EatUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 02.10.12:3014:00PIASTACentral Campus TourUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 02.10.12:3014:30PIASTACampus Tour: Main Campus Plus Math, Geosciences, and ChemistryUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 02.10.13:0014:00PIASTAScholarships for International StudentsWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.13:0016:00PIASTAHarbor and Elbe tourLandungsbrücken train station, on the pedestrian bridge directly in front of the main entrance of the station 02.10.14:0016:00PIASTACity tour: AltonaAltona station, exit Neue Große Bergstraße (at the top of the stairs, in front of Rossmann) 02.10.14:0016:00PIASTACampus Tour: Main Campus Plus Math, Geosciences, and ChemistryUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 02.10.14:3015:30PIASTAWho, Where, What – A Short Guide to the UniversityWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.14:3015:30PIASTALearning Languages at Universität HamburgWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.15:0016:00PIASTAMeet & Eat: Coffee breakUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 02.10.16:0017:00PIASTAStudy Abroad: Explore the World with Erasmus, Hamburglobal, CIC, and EUGLOH!We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.16:0017:30PIASTAWelcome Event: Queer SectionWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 02.10.18:0020:00PIASTAWelcome Week Buddy Meet-upPIASTA, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, West, Room 221 (Second Floor) 02.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: St. PauliSt. Pauli train station (U-Bahn), exit Heiligengeistfeld 02.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SternschanzeSternschanze train station (U-Bahn), on the square outside in front of the subway exit 02.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: AltonaAltona station, exit Neue Große Bergstraße (at the top of the stairs, in front of Rossmann) 02.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SpeicherstadtU-Bahn train station Meßberg (U1), exit Wandrahmsteg 02.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: KaroviertelTrain station Feldstraße (U-Bahn), exit Feldstraße, in front of the entrance 02.10.18:0020:00PIASTALanguage Tandem ExchangeUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Ost, Room 221 (ESA East) 03.10.11:3014:30PIASTAHarbor and Elbe tourLandungsbrücken train station, on the pedestrian bridge directly in front of the main entrance of the station 03.10.12:3014:30PIASTACity tour: SpeicherstadtU-Bahn train station Meßberg (U1), exit Wandrahmsteg 03.10.12:3014:30PIASTACity Tour: SternschanzeSternschanze train station (U-Bahn), on the square outside in front of the subway exit 03.10.12:3014:30PIASTACity tour: KaroviertelTrain station Feldstraße (U-Bahn), exit Feldstraße, in front of the entrance 03.10.12:3014:30PIASTACultural tour: AltonaAltona station, exit Neue Große Bergstraße (at the top of the stairs, in front of Rossmann) 03.10.12:3014:30PIASTACity tour: SpeicherstadtU-Bahn train station Meßberg (U1), exit Wandrahmsteg 03.10.15:3017:00PIASTAAIESEC Scavenger HuntUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Main building of the University of Hamburg 03.10.15:3017:30PIASTACity tour: SpeicherstadtU-Bahn train station Meßberg (U1), exit Wandrahmsteg 03.10.15:3017:30PIASTACultural Tour: KaroviertelTrain station Feldstraße (U-Bahn), exit Feldstraße, in front of the entrance 03.10.15:3017:30PIASTACity tour: AltonaAltona station, exit Neue Große Bergstraße (at the top of the stairs, in front of Rossmann) 03.10.15:3017:30PIASTACity Tour: SternschanzeSternschanze train station (U-Bahn), on the square outside in front of the subway exit 03.10.15:3017:30PIASTACity tour: SpeicherstadtU-Bahn train station Meßberg (U1), exit Wandrahmsteg 03.10.15:3018:30PIASTAHarbor and Elbe tourLandungsbrücken train station, on the pedestrian bridge directly in front of the main entrance of the station 04.10.10:0011:00PIASTAAcademic Writing and How the Writing Center Can HelpWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 04.10.10:0011:00PIASTAActive and Healthy through Your Studies – Information Session on University SportsWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 04.10.10:0011:00PIASTAMeet & Eat: BreakfastUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 04.10.11:3012:30PIASTAAcademic Writing and How the Writing Center Can HelpWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 04.10.11:3012:30PIASTAActive and Healthy through Your Studies – Information Session on University Sports HamburgWe will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 04.10.12:3013:30PIASTAMeet & EatUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 04.10.12:3014:00PIASTACentral Campus TourUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 04.10.12:3014:00PIASTACentral Campus TourUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 04.10.13:0014:00PIASTAWhat are the most effective study techniques for university?We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 04.10.14:0016:00PIASTAGet to Know Each Other!Universität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Ost, Room 221 (ESA East) 04.10.14:0016:00PIASTACampus Tour: Main Campus Plus Math, Geosciences, and ChemistryUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 04.10.14:0017:00PIASTAHarbor and Elbe tourLandungsbrücken train station, on the pedestrian bridge directly in front of the main entrance of the station 04.10.15:0016:00PIASTAMeet & Eat: Coffee breakUniversität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Mensa Entrance opposite of the AStA Info Café 04.10.18:0020:00PIASTAGame NightUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Ost, Room 221 (ESA East) 04.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: AltonaAltona station, exit Neue Große Bergstraße (at the top of the stairs, in front of Rossmann) 04.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: KaroviertelTrain station Feldstraße (U-Bahn), exit Feldstraße, in front of the entrance 04.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SpeicherstadtU-Bahn train station Meßberg (U1), exit Wandrahmsteg 04.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: St. PauliSt. Pauli train station (U-Bahn), exit Heiligengeistfeld 04.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SternschanzeSternschanze train station (U-Bahn), on the square outside in front of the subway exit 07.10.16:0018:00PIASTAPreparatory meetings for welcome buddies (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 07.10.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 08.10.09:0011:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox – Nachhaltige GeschäftsmodellentwicklungTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 14.10.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (In Person at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 15.10.15:0017:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox – Startup FinanzierungHAW Hamburg, Jungestraße 10, 20535 Hamburg, Großer Seminarraum 6.09, 6. Stockwerk 16.10.12:0013:00Abt. InternationalesHamburglobal Funding Program: Group consultation for the October 2024 application periodZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 16.10.18:0020:00PIASTABuddy Meet-up – Guided Tour through Trendy AltonaAltona station, exit Neue Große Bergstraße (at the top of the stairs, in front of Rossmann) 17.10.13:3016:00TransferagenturFemale Leadership – Führung in Teilzeit und im TandemTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 18.10.16:0018:00PIASTACampus Tour—Welcome to Universität Hamburg!Universität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 19.10.14:0016:00PIASTADistrict tour: Speicherstadt U-Bahn train station Meßberg, Wandrahmsteg exit 22.10.11:0013:00TransferagenturFinden statt suchen – Tipps für die gezielte StellensucheTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 23.10.09:0012:30TransferagenturBewerbungsunterlagen – Entscheidungen treffen für die persönliche BewerbungTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 23.10.14:3015:30Abt. InternationalesCentral Student Exchange Program: Group consultation for the November 2024 application periodZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event FEDDICH: Was nun? Strategien für deinen Wechsel von Uni zu JobTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 24.10.18:0020:00PIASTABuddy Meet-up – At the Museum of Cultures and Arts of the WorldRothenbaumchaussee 64, in front of the MARKK entrance 25.10.10:0011:00Abt. InternationalesInformation event on studying abroadZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event - Startup Case Study WorkshopStart-up Labs Bahrenfeld, Luruper Hauptstraße 1, 22547 Hamburg 25.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: KaroviertelTrain station Feldstraße (U-Bahn), exit Feldstraße 26.10.14:0017:00PIASTAHarbor and Elbe tour Landungsbrücken train station (U/S-Bahn), on the pedestrian bridge directly in front of the station's main entrance Language Café (Beginners and Intermediate)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor Language CaféPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 29.10.09:3012:30TransferagenturKompetenzanalyse – who fits best?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum Language Café (Intermediate and Advanced)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor Language CaféPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 30.10.09:0015:00TransferagenturÜberzeugend präsentierenTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum Language CaféPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 30.10.18:0020:00PIASTAHalloween NightPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 01.11.18:0020:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: St. PauliSt. Pauli train station (U-Bahn), exit Heiligengeistfeld 02.11.14:0016:00PIASTAHamburg by Night: SternschanzeSternschanze train station (U-Bahn), on the square outside in front of the subway exit 04.11.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 05.11.15:0017:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox – Prototyping & User FeedbackHAW Hamburg, Jungestraße 10, 20535 Hamburg, 6. OG (Gr. Seminarraum) 06.11.18:0020:00PIASTABuddy Meet-up – Relaxing Game Night at Rentzelstraße 17PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 07.11.10:0016:00TransferagenturfUHHture career dayTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 07.11.13:3015:30PIASTAWrite-In (On Site at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 07.11.16:0018:00PIASTAWorkshop: Term Papers & Thesis (On Site at Piasta)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 07.11.17:4521:00PIASTAPIASTA and Young Friends! Discover your favorite works of art at the Hamburger KunsthalleHamburger Kunsthalle, Glockengießerwall 5, in the foyer in front of the museum shop Language CaféPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 08.11.10:0011:00Abt. InternationalesCentral Student Exchange Program: Group consultation for the November 2024 application periodZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 09.11.13:4516:00PIASTATracing the history of our UniversityUniversität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, in front of the main entrance 12.11.10:0012:00TransferagenturDigitales NetworkingTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 13.11.18:0020:00PIASTADiwali Fest — Festival of LightsPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 14.11.11:0012:30TransferagenturVortrag zu Geldanlage und AltersvorsorgeTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 14.11.13:3015:30PIASTAWrite-In (On Site at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 14.11.16:0018:00PIASTAWorkshop: Make a plan and tackle your term paper (On Site at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 16.11.11:0016:00PIASTASuccessfully Overcoming Nervousness and Anxiety around PresentationsUniversität Hamburg / ESA West, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, West, Room 221 16.11.14:0016:00PIASTAPIASTA Swap Party: Swap, Don’t Buy!PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 18.11.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (In Person at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 19.11.08:3010:30TransferagenturGründerinnen-Frühstück 19.11.2024TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraumäche – wie kann ich überzeugen?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 19.11.15:0017:00TransferagenturFounders Toolbox – IdeationTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 20.11.15:0016:00Abt. InternationalesInformation event on studying abroadZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 20.11.16:0018:00PIASTABuddy Meet-up – An Afternoon at the University MuseumsGeomatikum, Bundesstraße 55, at the entrance of the „Geomatikum“ building 21.11.10:0012:00TransferagenturArbeitszeugnisse – wo liegen die Stolperfallen?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 21.11.13:3015:30PIASTAWrite-In (On Site at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 21.11.14:3017:30TransferagenturMeet&Match – Co-Founder MatchingTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. OG 21.11.16:0017:00TransferagenturfUHHture Impulse: Wege in die MusikbrancheZoom-Meetingroom, Link wird i.d.R. am Nachmittag vor dem Veranstaltungstermin gemailt 21.11.16:0018:00PIASTAWorkshop: Multilingualism in writing (On Site at Piasta)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 22.11.18:0020:00PIASTAImprovisational Theater with PIASTA: Creativity without bordersTreffpunkt wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben 23.11.11:0016:00PIASTAAuthentic Presentations – Use Your Presence, Voice, and Charisma to Your AdvantageUniversität Hamburg / ESA West, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, West, Room 221 23.11.12:3016:00PIASTAPIASTA visits Hamburg City HallRathausmarkt 1, in front of City Hall next to Rathausmarkt train station (U3 line) 27.11.18:0020:00PIASTAIntercultural Birthday Party – A Festive Journey Around the WorldPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 28.11.09:0011:00TransferagenturStartup2Go 28.11.2024Alsterufer 21, Treffpunkt vor dem Hamburger und Germania Ruderclub 28.11.09:0017:00TransferagenturStimm- und Sprechtraining für FrauenTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 28.11.14:0016:00PIASTAWrite-In (online)Online via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link below the text and you will also receive the link via email shortly before the session. 28.11.16:0018:00PIASTAOpen writing consultation (online)Online via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link below the text and you will also receive the link via email shortly before the session. 30.11.14:0020:00PIASTAVisit the Lübeck Christmas Market with PIASTA Main Railway Station Hamburg, Mönckebergstraße exit 02.12.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 04.12.14:0016:00TransferagenturStudium geschafft – und dann?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 04.12.18:0020:00PIASTABuddy Meet-up – At the Christmas Market Allende-Platz 3, in front of the Abaton movie theater 05.12.10:0012:00TransferagenturThe Art of Negotiation – wie verhandle ich erfolgreich im Beruf und Alltag?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 05.12.14:0016:00PIASTAWrite-In (online)Online via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link below the text and you will also receive the link via email shortly before the session. 05.12.16:0018:00PIASTAOpen writing consultation (online)Online via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link below the text and you will also receive the link via email shortly before the session. 06.12.16:1518:00PIASTAMore Time, Less Stress - The Most Effective Study Techniques for University!PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 07.12.16:0018:00PIASTAExplore the Ottensen Christmas Market with PIASTAwill be announced in time 11.12.18:0020:00PIASTAWinter Festivities: Christmas, New Year & morePIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 12.12.12:0013:00Abt. InternationalesInformation event on studying abroad - Focus on ErasmusZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 12.12.14:0016:00PIASTAWrite-In (online)Online via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link below the text and you will also receive the link via email shortly before the session. 12.12.16:0018:00PIASTAOpen writing consultation (online)Online via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link below the text and you will also receive the link via email shortly before the session. 14.12.14:0020:00PIASTAVisit to the Bremen Christmas Market with PIASTAHamburg Central Station, Mönckebergstraße exit 16.12.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (In Person at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 17.12.10:0012:00TransferagenturArbeitsverträge – worauf sollte ich achten?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 13.01.09:3013:30TransferagenturPotenzialanalyse – was kann ich eigentlich?TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 13.01.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (online)We will email you the Zoom invitation link on the day of the event. 14.01.09:0015:00TransferagenturLeadership für FrauenTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 14.01.16:3018:00TransferagenturfUHHture Impulse: Wege in die FreiberuflichkeitTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 15.01.18:0020:00PIASTABuddy Meet-up – PowerPoint for LaughsPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 16.01.09:0013:00TransferagenturEinblicke in SCRUM mit Exkursion: ]init[ AG für digitale Kommunikation]init[ AG für digitale Kommunikation, Am Sandortkai 50, 20457 Hamburg, Treffen am Eingang 18.01.14:0016:00PIASTAPIASTA Swap Party: Swap, Don’t Buy!PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 22.01.18:0020:00PIASTABon appetit! Culinary world tour with PIASTAPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 23.01.08:3010:30TransferagenturGründerinnen-Frühstück 23.01.2025TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum 23.01.09:0015:00TransferagenturKlare Sache: Das Wort ergreifen – schlagfertig reagieren (für Frauen)TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 24.01.11:0012:00Abt. InternationalesInformation event on studying abroad - Focus on FinanceZOOM, Link wird am Veranstaltungstag via Mail verschickt / link will be sent via e-mail on the day of the event 25.01.16:0018:00PIASTARelaxing Game Night with PIASTAPIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 27.01.17:0019:00PIASTALegal Advise for International Students (In Person at PIASTA)PIASTA, Rentzelstraße 17, conference room on the ground floor 29.01.09:0013:00TransferagenturInterview Training and excursion to NEXPERIANexperia, Stresemannallee 101, 22529 Hamburg 30.01.09:0011:00TransferagenturStartup2Go 30.01.2025Alsterufer 21, Treffpunkt vor dem Hamburger und Germania Ruderclub 04.02.09:0015:00TransferagenturFemale EmpowermentTransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 1. Etage Konferenzraum 20.03.08:3010:30TransferagenturGründerinnen-Frühstück 20.03.2025TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum