Gründerinnen-Frühstück 04.04.2024



  • 08:30 a.m.
  • 10:30 a.m.
TransferAgentur, Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 3. Etage Konferenzraum

The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange ideas on all questions relating to founding a company. Networking is done in a relaxed atmosphere over coffee, tea and breakfast, and knowledge is shared and encouragement is given on the topic of "founding a company".

Course number
Led by
Imme Godthardt, Business Coach
Target group
Students, Doctoral Students, UHH graduates
Max number of participants
german, english

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